Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blind dates and super heroes

I have only ever been on one blind date, and one was enough. It was years ago, and I don't really remember much about the evening or the guy. His name, well, he went by JR. and he was a car salesman. It was a double date with one of my High school friends and her car salesman fiance. I think we went to Chili's. Classy.

I tried. I remember asking questions about him, what else he liked to do, what he was interested in. I don't remember the answers, I only remember the return to car talk.

I think if you would have asked my friend or her fiance why they thought JR and I should go out their answer would have been that we were both single. We knew nothing about each other, and didn't find out much about each other. I don't think it helped that everyone else at the table talked about cars the whole time.

There was no kiss or hug, I might have shook his hand. We didn't exchange phone numbers. Basically, I wasn't interested, and I made it known. My 'friend' decided I must be a lesbian. (He's single, she's single, why else wouldn't she date him?)

One of Mr. NH's co-workers set him up on a blind date with her friend. They went out and had a nice evening. Afterward the co-worker asked the friend what she thought and she said "well, he's not hideous."

The co-worker tells Mr. NH this, and he decides that it will forever be his super hero name. "Chris the Not Hideous."

So, I'm a lesbian and he's a super hero. Fair, right?


Sarcastic Bastard said...

I went on a blind date once, also. After meeting him, I wished I WAS blind.



Maggie May said...

Blind Dates are TERRIFYING. I'm so glad I never had one.

RabbitTail said...

i did it once. we were also just as classy but it was Applebee's. Now my biggest pet peeve is when friends try to set me up, as if I don't know what I want in a partner. They probably think they're doing us a big favor, like otherwise we would never ever get a date. puh-lease!