Saturday, October 24, 2009

First birthday photos

A few photos, please stop looking now if you do not like incredibly cute babies.

Yes, we dressed her up like Yoda. We know we are geeks.


Kelly said...

My husband saw this and keeps bugging me to get a Yoda costume for Piran. I have told him he has to wait until he can at least stand up!

gamgee said...

oh. my. god. yoda's the ish. i'm so proud of you and i don't even know you.

J. said...

Sb - the cute kills me too, but then there are the not so cute moments too... It evens itself out.

Kelly - who knows maybe by the time piran is old enough I might have a yoda costume for cheap. although the husband might have something to say for that, I think he'll want to keep it for life.

J - I was pretty proud of us too. I wasn't sure how the husband's mom was going to take paying for professional pictures of the girl in a yoda costume, but she's cooler than I thought.