Friday, August 28, 2009

Flashback Friday #1

The night before I graduated from the Arts High I went out to Loring Park with five friends. It was bittersweet. We tried not to think about how we were all moving out of the dorm in the morning. We tried not to think about how it could be a while before we got to see each other again. We really tried not to think about the end of our time at the Arts High. So instead we spent the time playing in the dandelion fountain.

While we were jumping, dancing, and splashing I happened to look across the street, and there in the low lamplight was Emorej, one of the other dancer seniors from the Arts High. He said that he was just sitting on the bench thinking about how school was over and crying. So we invited him to splash with us.

I don't have any pictures from that night, but here are some of the next day after we had all graduated.
Me, storysmith, box car child, and girl genius

My communist, Me, Seattle Girl

Me and girl genius


Sarcastic Bastard said...

I love your sense of fashion. The dress was splendid.



RabbitTail said...

if you ever get rid of that dress, i'm claiming it.

also, thanks for that hideous picture of me at, what 14? and haha, good to know i am boxcar child.