Thursday, October 22, 2009

Climbing mount coffetable

Mr. Not Hideous and I rearrange the apartment again. It was the third time we did it this year. The first time was in January when we first moved in. We didn't plan it out well. The second time was right as Goosey was starting to crawl, we didn't want her to burn her fingers on the radiator. This time we had to rearrange because Goosey apparently wants to be a gymnast, so she tried practicing her air-born somersaults. Let me explain.

Last week Goosey decided to take advantage of her incredibly sleep-deprived parents. She started climbing on everything. And by everything I mean the coffetable.

I like to think that if i hadn't been so sleep-deprived she wouldn't have gotten up there, at least it wouldn't have happened over and over and over and over again. And maybe if I hadn't been so tired I would have been the Queen of Distractions, singing funny songs and finding the perfect silly face to stop my little mountaineer. But I was tired. In my tired haze I made a bad decision, I chose to let her be on the coffeetable while I sat with her to keep her from scooting off. It was my moment of weakness. It set the standard for all future climbing exploits.

Goosey happily played with the books and dvd cases that were stacked on the coffetable. She was content to sit, and as long as she was sitting I wasn't too worried. In my tired haze I made another bad decision; I turned to put the wipes away.

It took two seconds. She stood up, tripped and flew through the air making a beautiful somersault landing face first on the heater vent, legs pointing away from the coffeetable. THUNK.

She cried, I held her and put arnica on her small bruise and watched to make sure she didn't get a concussion. Mr. NH took her back downstairs to see the chiropractor for the second time that day. And she was fine, bruised and out of adjustment, but fine. And she stayed off the coffeetable for about six hours, then it was back to climbing, climbing, climbing. So we had to change things.

It took about two hours to get everything moved into a safer play area. Unfortunately, I know that when she figures out how to climb on the couch we will have to rearrange things again. Great.

She really is too young to be a gymnast, but try telling her that.


erin said...

I have never had a coffee table since I've had kids.

Everytime I see a big square chunky one I get tempted to buy it and then decide not to.

Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux said...

that's why kids are extra rubbery, right? i'm pretending that day will never table is covered in zen-like, mouth-sized rocks.